
This Research-Creation project aims at researching and fabricating “cybryonts”, i.e. symbioses between bryophytes (“mosses”), cybernetic sculptures and biofuel cells, in the time of the Anthropocene. The main concept of the project resides in creating semi-autonomous symbioses between elementary life forms and non-anthropomorphic Cybernetic sculptures in designed environments. Its ultimate goal, quite unrealistic today, is the production of a closed system of power and metabolic co-dependencies between sculptures and life forms (i.e. without external inputs other than light and wind).

The being and things exist, but they lack reality. What does it mean to say that they “lack” reality? What could an existence possibly be lacking that would make it more real?

But aren’t there existences that become “more” real, in the sense that they gain in strength, extension, or consistency: a love that deepens, a sorrow that heightens, a rage that swells? Or a plan that is realized, the construction of a building, the filming of a screenplay, the performance of a musical score? They are all ways to of gaining in reality, of acquiring a greater presence, a more vivid radiance (…) In every case the problem is the same: how to make what exist more real?