Category: Shape of the project

  • Moss garden

    In order to adequately problematize the “undecided” nature of the Anthropocene and “live in its trouble”, we will focus our attention on so-called bipolar mosses. In proposing to create a garden of mosses, we intend to make a world with forms of life once described as “primitive” or “inferior”, but which we prefer to call…

  • Electronics

    We are creating installations (Cybryonts) that each combines ceramics sculptures, microclimate remote monitoring devices and moss gardens and aim at exploring/imagining the world lived by the mosses in different polar regions (among them, Kilpisjärvi), in particular facing the shifting of their ecosystems conditions. Every of those unit is centered around a ceramics structure that is…

  • Cybryonts

    This Research-Creation project aims at researching and fabricating “cybryonts”, i.e. symbioses between bryophytes (“mosses”), cybernetic sculptures and biofuel cells, in the time of the Anthropocene. The main concept of the project resides in creating semi-autonomous symbioses between elementary life forms and non-anthropomorphic Cybernetic sculptures in designed environments. Its ultimate goal, quite unrealistic today, is the…